Damages & Claims

Filing a Claim with Puff/Westone Distribution:

  1. Please alert Westone within 5 business days of receipt of merchandise by e-mailing us at [email protected]
  2. Make note of which box (if there are multiple) the broken/damaged item(s) came from and use the tracking number if possible. Example: Broken PD-11 came from box 518909991234 and broken IND-14B came from box 518909991235.
  3. Take pictures of the box(es) and item(s) (please send .jpeg files).
  4. In an email list each damaged item, include your shop name and invoice number, and send the above requested information as well as your photos to [email protected].
  5. Do not throw out broken/damaged items or original damaged packaging. Very carefully place the broken item(s) back in the original damaged box(es) and expect a delivery driver to come and pick up the box(es) for inspection. Depending on the carrier, you may receive a call from a dispatcher confirming the pick up.

  6. Following these steps ensure not only a quicker claims process, but it also greatly increases the chances of the claim being honoured by the carrier. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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